Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holden's Journal

                                                                                 Dear Journal,

At the Penn Station,I wanted to call someone but I couldn't think of anyone to call. My brother, D. B was in Hollywood, my sister Phoebe shes really young and probably asleep. I didn't have one to talk too. I just didn't feel like calling Jane Gallagher or the other girl Sally Hayes. I remember that her mother hated me. So, I decide to take a cab to the Edmont Hotel. I tried to make a conversation with the driver, asking him where the ducks in the Central Park lagoon go in the winter, but I guess the driver wasn't interested on hearing me talk. In my room at the Edmont, I looked out across the hotel courtyard into the lighted windows on the other side and discover a variety of bizarre acts taking place. One man was dress up in a women’s cloth, and in the  other room a man and a woman were taking turns on spitting mouthfulls of their drinks into each others face. I thought that person was weird spitting mouthfuls at the girl that was just not respectably for her. I started to feel nasty and bad, so I start to call prostitute . I called a girl that boy I met at a party told me about. I tried to make a date with her. But she refuses, Saying she needed her beauty sleep. But I guess she offered me to meet each other next day. I didn't want too so I just hang up without telling her anything.

E-mail Journal

Dear Mr. Antolini
I just left my house from with Phoebe It made me think about a lot of things that's going on in my life. I think I just need to come out to New York for a little while to clear my head of family and school problems.

Dear Holden,
I have read your e-mail and it seems your passing through so many things right now. I pretty sure you want forget about everything that you can 't understand. At first I was surprise to hear from you in this type situation your going through but you should give your self time and make a little space to figure out what you really want to do. Your young and at the age you don't understand pretty much of it. I totally agree with you you need to come out of New York, Give yourself space to think about everything that's in your mind.  But Its even better if you to talk to your parents about your problems.

Dear Mr. Antolini
I know Mr. Antolini I have a lot to think and decide what I want. Life isn't easy for me I have to much problems with school, my family and friends. I just see it really hard for me to fix each one at a time. I need time and telling my parents about my expelled from school I can't Mr. Antolini it hard I'm scared on what they going to said to me. I want leave instead of telling them about the expelled from school. I rather leave for a bit let time pass then come back when everything is pretty forgotten and better.

Dear Holden
I think you should think about what you want and what really is causing you all this problems. I know how you feel about all this situation on your life. I'm here to help you if you need anything just let me know you can stay here in my apartment for the night. Before you leave just think about what you really want do and make sure if its a good idea just to leave without letting your parents know.

Dear Mr. Antolini
I'm really confused I don't know what to do no more, I really need somewhere to sleep but I need go to New York and get my belongings. I'm really scared, school isn't for me it's not in my life plans. I just can't take to much pain. I have to deal with School, My parents, Friends, And deal with my brother death what else do I need pass through. I'm tired of living a life like this. Why can I just forget about everything and tried to be someone with no problems.I know I need make up my mind on what I really want. The only thing I'm pretty sure is I can't tell my parents about my expelled from school I don't know how they may react. The only one that may probably know about my expelled from school is Phoebe .

Dear Holden
I was really surprise to hear all this you've have say to me. Your a really strong kid who's passing through a lot of hard problems but you should  know how work them out by talking with the truth to your parents and keeping your mind clear.  If your sister may already know about your problem from school then you should take the first step and let your parents know. If you can't just tried to do your best to make up your mind and decide what's best for you.

Dear Mr. Antolini
I had think about it to, to tell my parents about everything but I just can't, It seems so easy but it's not Mr.Antolini. Thanks for all your help it really help me a bit clear my head. I know I'm young but I need to come out to New York and clear up my mind about everything that's happening to me. Telling my parents about school its not the time to do so it isn't easy for me at this point so I rather leave and clear up my head about everything. I'll be back soon when everything pretty much clear and understandable for me and my parents about everything that happened before.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holden's Journal

Dear Journal,

I had a pretty bad day today, at the room I talked to Ackley for a while and then I tried to fall asleep in the bed belonging to Ackley’s roommate, who is away for the weekend. But I couldn't stop imagining Jane fooling around with Stradlater, and knowing that I had trouble falling asleep. So I woke up Ackley to talk with him some more, asking him whether I could run off and join a monastery without being Catholic. But I guess Ackley got annoyed by my conversation, and I got annoyed by Ackley’s “phoniness,” so I left. Outside in the hallway, I decided that I will leave for New York that night instead of waiting until Wednesday. After passing a few days there in secret, I will wait until my parents have not notice the news of my expulsion before I return back home. I started packing some of my bags, my hunting hat, and then I begun to cry out of nowhere. As I headed into the hallway, I yelled “Sleep tight, ya morons!” to the boys on his floor before stepping outside to leave Pencey forever.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lilian Simmon's Journal

Dear Journal,

I just can't believe who did I just found today, my ex boyfriends bother. It was a really surprising day I never thought of founding or meeting my ex boyfriends bother here. My ex boyfriends name was D.B, and his brothers name was Holden. I had been talking to my ex boyfriend about what has happen in my life. I had a reason why I was telling my whole personal life to Holden because I wanted one thing that Holden tells his brother just to make him get jealous. I suddenly remember the lines were pretty much long and had people waiting but I didn't care people could wait and be patient. Me and Holden talk and talk about my life because I wanted him to tell his brother about what had happen that night who he meet and what were they talking just to make D.B jealous. That was pretty much my point on telling Holden my whole life just to make his brother jealous.

Phoebe's Journal

Dear Journal,

I don't know what was going on with Holden. He just felt like going popping out of nowhere. Holden came inside my room quietly so our parents wouldn't hear him come in. I woke up because I could feel when someone is coming in . I ask him weren't you suppose to be home by Wednesday, I asked Holden did you get kicked out of school, he said no but one thing was I didn't believe him, he would always lie. I got so mad at him that I told him you don't care about anything. He said yes I do, but he also kept insisting that he liked many things. One was that he liked talking to me. Another thing he wanted was to be a Catcher of the Rye. Suddenly I heard someone coming in, Right away I said Holden there here, Holden got frighted, didn't know what to do so he just went in and hide in my closet. My mom came inside my room and asked me why wasn't I asleep yet. Then she said Phoebe were you smoking a cigarette. But I actually told her that I did smoke up a puff because I couldn't sleep.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Holden's Journal

Dear Journal,

Finally Stradlater got home from his date, Stradlater goes into the room. He takes my composition and reads it and becomes visibly annoyed, asserting that it has nothing to do with the assignment I had do and knowing that it all has to do why I am being expelled. I suddenly tear my composition up and throw it away angrily. Afterward, I started smoking a cigarette in the room just to annoy him. The tension between us increases when I ask him about his date with Jane. When he refuses to tell me any of the details, I attack him, but he throw me to the floor and tries to get me to calm down.  I out of nowhere insulted him, driving him crazy until he punches me leaving me there in the ground with a bloody nose. I was like didn't that bastard  just punch me down to the ground. I was angry I wanted do something but I just couldn't. Then I guess he became so worried because he had just hurt me and he will probably get into trouble. So I  insulted him some more, and when he finally leaves the room. I get up and go into Ackley’s room,with my face covered in blood. I had no other choice then to sleep in Ely' s bed especially with that Acne boy. This all his fault, I am still mad and jealous at him. Well the thing was I couldn't stay there tonight because it smelled very awful that I had go to a hotel or something. But for sure I knew I wasn't going to stay with that Ackley boy or even with Stradlater.

Holden Journal

Dear Journal,

After a dry and unappetizing steak dinner in the dining hall, I get into a snowball fight with some of the Pencey boys. Right after we stop fighting with the Pencey boy my friend Mal Brossard and I decided to take a bus into Agerstown to see a movie but the problem was that I hated movies so I convinced him to let Ackley go with them. As it turns out, Ackley and my friend Brossard have already seen the film, so instead we just decided to eat some burgers, play a little pinball, and then head back to Pencey. After the excursion, my friend Mal goes off to look for a bridge game, and Ackley sits on my bed squeezing pimples and concocting stories about a girl he claims to have had sex with  that summer before. When he start to say all that kind stuff I tried to make him leave he wouldn't but right after I did, I start to begin doing my work on the English assignment for Stradlater. I remember Stradlater said that the composition was supposed to be a simple description of a room, a house, or something similarly. But I couldn't think of anything to say about a house or a room, so I just decided to write about my brothers Allie baseball glove that he use to copy poems onto it.